Saturday, May 31, 2014

Walk 105. Quiet Saturday afternoon

While E & J were at the Father/Sons camp out at Ensign Ranch (enjoying horseback riding and the giant slip-n-slide) and S was at her friend's gymnastics meet, I went for a mellow walk in the bright sunshine around Magnolia. Being outside every day, really outside for about an hour (not just to/from my car, or worse seeing nature from inside the car) has given me lots of time to look up. And keep looking.

The sky.

2.4 miles

Friday, May 30, 2014

Walk 104. While talking to my mom

Sometimes I hate mapmywalk. It's way too easy to hit pause and not know it. Launched the app, called my mom and never realized from the first few steps it was on pause and not keeping track of how far I walked. Aaaaarrrggghh! I walked for 48 minutes (wearing sandals and talking on the phone). I think I did about 2.5+ miles.

Otherwise, the walk was great! Lovely sunshine, blue blue skies and slightly windy. I walked around Magnolia after I helped E & J get packed up and off to the Father & Sons camp out. J was so excited!

It was so nice to talk to my mom. It felt like going on a walk with her. It will be nice to see her in a few weeks and go on a real walk.

2.5+ miles

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Walk 103. Twice, again

My distance walked has been decreasing the last few weeks. Haven't walked over 3 miles in a while. Decided to walk GL twice today. 5.75 miles

Monday, May 26, 2014

Walk 100. One hundred

2.5 miles

Update 5/30. Okay, so 100 came and went. I've been thinking about getting to triple digits since walk 50. Thinking how I'd feel to almost be 1/3 of the way done. Thinking that reaching 100 gives this challenge gravitas, gives me confidence to know I can make it to 365, that 100 walks in a row would change my life.

In reality, I didn't really know I was on walk 100 until I got home to blog. And I was bummed at myself for kind of missing a milestone (i.e., not "being present"). Memorial day weekend was filled with family in town and lots to do (Discovery Park, Locks, Folklife, Golden Gardens, Bainbridge Island), so while I was walking daily I wasn't really thinking about what number walk I was on. In fact, right before I left for walk 100, E and I got in a big fight. I don't even remember what the fight was about but I do know I was so mad when I started, but then walking fixes everything. (Another bonus of walking. It puts life in perspective! No matter how mad or upset I feel, after taking a walk I always feel much better.)

So, what does this mean? I think walk 100 was all the things I thought it would be AND it wasn't. Reaching it has changed my life, but life (being busy, having fun, not having fun, etc.) is just life. Maybe that's the point. I like that it can be both.

This probably doesn't make any sense at all.

I guess I'm saying I hope I'll learn something amazing on milestone walks....but maybe the ordinary walks are where true inspiration comes.

Or, maybe milestones can be ordinary and great at the same time.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Walk 99. Mags with Steph

3 miles

Update 5/30. I'm from Northern California and have 4 sibs (3 bros/1 sis). When we grew up we ALL LEFT. Scattered. To Seattle, Salt Lake City area, Southern Idaho, LA and Orange County. My folks still live in the Bay Area.

The years pass and I see my brothers less and less. I get it, Seattle is far away. But I still miss them.

And then... on a whim and after a flurry of texts one bro and his fam pack up the van for a spontaneous weekend in Seattle. I have literally been hoping they would visit. Someday. FOR YEARS.

Anyway, went on a walk through our neighborhood and along Magnolia Blvd with my sis-in-law. It was great. It felt natural/normal/everyday. But looking back on that walk and their visit and the almost 9 years we've lived here it was anything but.

Thank you for coming. It meant so much to me.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Walk 97. Heron

Walked GL. Partially. Had a National Geographic moment and think I just might be into birding. 2 miles.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Walk 96. Why do I procrastinate?

Or rather, why do I procrastinate AND make big plans? I think I either need to simplify and procrastinate, or make big plans and get started a little sooner.

Anyhoo, walked GL quickly this morning because today is Activity Days and I have lots to do before the girls arrive at 4:30. It's going to be a fun one! We're making Mandazi, playing a get-to-know-you Jenga game and updating our journals.

At least I've learned to not procrastinate my walks. Hopefully that will spill over in other areas of my life.

3 miles

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Walk 94. Sleepy

For the last few days E has been taking the kids to school, which is very nice of him. Thanks hon! But, that means I'm not near GL with time to kill (or in "seize the day!") in the morning. So, I've been putting off my walks until the evening. Prob is, by the afternoon I'm sooooooo sleepy. I just want to take a long nap and do nothing and the thought of an evening walk seems exhausting.

Anyway, based on my small sample size and non-scientific method I've figured out... morning walks give me energy that lasts all day!! I hadn't really noticed this until I took them away. They also make me happier, calmer, and take away the little nagging thought of, "um, when are you going to walk today?"

Don't get me wrong, Afternoon walks give me energy too. It's just really hard for me to get out the door at that time of day. J has been insisting we walk to the park the last few afternoons and once I'm outside I perk up. Then after dinner or when E gets home (whichever is first) I head out to enjoy the lovely Magnolia evening.

But then, when I'm done walking (at 9 or 10 pm) I'm not tired at all! I started watching that zombie show (E has been trying to get me to watch it for years). So I stay up too late, get scared and grossed out then finally go to bed. Anyway, that's been my life for a couple days.

Moral of this story? Walk in the morning or you'll end up watching zombie tv.



Magnolia, 3.6 miles.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Walk 93. Evening blue

Didn't start my walk until almost 9 pm. The fading day to night...

was so beautiful. Loved watching the lit ferries glide across the sound. Even saw a few stars. 2.7 miles

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Walk 92. Family walk at Discovery Park

We walked from the parking lot off Emerson down to the sand dune. J collected sticks, S collected ladybugs, and we all enjoyed the views and sunshine. S was happy Anni (friend across the alley) was able to tag along. Great Sunday morning. I love 1 pm church!

3.7 miles (I walked home from Discovery Park. They drove.)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Walk 91. Forest bathing

Lucky to partake in a little Seattle-style forest bathing this morning along the Discovery Park loop trail. What a gorgeous way to start the day. Kept wanting to yell, "beauty!" like the dude in A Room With a View. 3 miles.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Walk 90. Solvitur ambulando

Thank you, Art of Manliness. I have to quote you directly...
Solvitur ambulando. It’s a Latin phrase that literally means, “It is solved by walking.” Or, a little more loosely, “It is solved by walking around.”
After 90 walks all I can say is, "Amen."

Walked with J this evening. We walked slowly, he played in the dirt, found a big black feather, and I pushed him on the front half of the stroller with his legs dangling over the side (easy to jump on and off).

Walking with my kids. I forgot to mention that yesterday. Sometimes it's hard because they get tired and complain and worse want to be carried, but tonight was wonderful. It's great to be outside together, to meander without any destination and see the world from a 4-yr-old point of view. We looked closely at flowers, he showed me his favorites, then he really wanted to play hide-and-seek (where there wasn't anywhere to hide) on Magnolia Blvd. So we did.

And I know all the benefits I'm getting from walking, he's getting too. He likes to run fast with the grass under his feet, to breathe in the sea air, to see the views, to look at birds, to feel....alive.

3 miles.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Walk 89. Different walks

Walking with a friend is different from walking while listening to music is different from walking alone with my thoughts. I know it's obvious...but I mean it's really different. My walking challenge moved beyond "exercise" within the first 2 weeks. I started seeing there were so many other wonderful reasons to walk besides cardio it's almost silly to label walking just a "low impact workout."

Walking with a friend can create or strengthen friendships and gives me the opportunity to talk it out. So valuable.

Walking while listening to music lets me zone out and enjoy the scenery while really hearing the music (not just having it on in the background). Music makes me so happy it's nice to focus on it alone and it makes some walks better.

Walking alone (in the right frame of mind) is the best. JW sent me an article today that walking increases creativity and taking an hour to let my mind wander brings me to new ideas (this challenge was thought up on the first walk!). It's so nice to be in the moment, to be outside and feel it, to hear my breath and feel my body move. 

Anyway, I walked GL with Jenny again. It's been fun and so different to have the same friend join my walks this week. I think it's actually been a blessing. Maybe I needed a little something to jolt me out of my routine and make me remember how I felt about walking at the beginning of the challenge. Maybe this is normal 3 months in.... like any good challenge there will be ups and downs, it will be fun or boring, easy or difficult.

I feel like I've turned a corner. Since the funeral and then E's surgery it didn't feel like there was room to focus on walks when the rest of my life was so serious and filled with possibly life-changing worry. I'm grateful walks have become inspiring again.

3 miles.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Walk 88. This one must be significant...somehow

I love the number 8. Today was walk 88. I didn't realize it until I started blogging. But I guess it was an important walk. While walking I thought...

I'm way too addicted to Candy Crush.*

I feel leaden and slow...and dragged my feet most of the way. Then finally near the end realized I haven't taken my thyroid for a couple days. (I'm off schedule because they switched my dose again. Managing hypothyroidism can be tricky!)

Magnolia is super pretty and I've taken it for granted for way too long. Or really, I've been hating it when I should have just opened my eyes. (But I remember from experience this is springtime [that feels like summer] in Magnolia. It's easy to be in love.)

I will never regret a walk taken. When I die I will not think, "Dang...I took too many walks."

God is in the details. The kids found a robin's egg at CSJ and it was so blue. E tried to find out why they are blue and there are lots of theories, but I think it's to let us know there is a God. Sometimes the world is just breathtaking and almost too beautiful and it's a way for the divine to reach out and say, "Of course I'm here."

My iPhone doesn't take pics of the Olympics that do them justice. They were BIG, snowcapped and majestic on the other side of the sound. But on my phone they look teensy.

I'm getting bored of blogging (see the first realization) but not the walking. But...I know I need to write more.

And finally...

12 walks to 100.
Sunset along Magnolia Blvd. 3 miles

*I finally passed level 86 and NOW I'M DONE! No more CC!! It was really bugging me that I couldn't figure it out (like a puzzle)....but now that I did I'm OUT.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Walk 84. Cape San Juan

3 quick walks around CSJ on San Juan Island. First, to check out a gigantic eagle nest and the public beach, then walked from the marina parking lot to a cool picnic site with a marsh (I spied a river otter!) on one side and the beach on the other. And finally, I headed out alone to try to find the lighthouse at American Camp (I didn't). 2 miles
Path to the picnic spot.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Walk 83. I've been walking....really

Just not blogging. Evening walk, 2.9 miles
Photographic proof I actually went.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Walk 82. Turtles

Walked at Green Lake after I dropped the kids at school. From the first steps I felt so bored. My life has had some dramatic ups and downs lately that have me questioning why I'm even walking....what's the point? It feels really indulgent when I have much more pressing worries. I was feeling blah until it hit me that I needed to use the restroom...and then I raced .9 miles to the nearest one! Nothing like having to go potty to get you out of your ho-hum head space. Then my mom called right as I was about to walk past a noisy ride-on lawnmower and other loud GL beautification. So I turned around. It was a good thing because when I was hurrying to the bathroom I saw all these turtles sitting on a log. I had to go so bad I didn't dare stop to take a picture. But since I was walking back the way I came I went right to them. Then sat on the path while I continued talking to my mom to just watch them. I've never seen turtles at Green Lake before. Can't wait to take J to see them. 2.2 miles

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Walk 81. Green Lake...

with Les Mis "Bring Him Home" running through my head. 2.8 miles

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Walk 80. With S (riding her bike)

Went on a walk along Magnolia Blvd around 7. It was so pretty. 3 miles

Monday, May 5, 2014

Walk 79. In the dark

E and I went to Town Hall to hear Dr. Gottmann speak (All E's idea :-) and after picking up the kids (Cooper watched them at his house after our scheduled sitter cancelled) I didn't get out to walk until 10. It was really dark. I just looked it up and it was between new moon and first quarter moon (moonphases). Anyway, only walked 1.8 miles because I was kind of jumpy being outside so scary Magnolia. ;-)

p.s. Dr. Gottmann is a relationship expert (reminds me of "love experts" from Frozen). During the Q&A at the end I wished I actually had a question...but then a women got up and asked about relationships after trauma, specifically after the death of a child. Whoa. I should have thought of that question! He said, this is the worst trauma anyone can suffer and you don't ever get over it. Somehow that made me feel better....and that our relationship, even though it is the same as everyone else's....has this one huge thing that makes us really different. It was actually comforting, in a way.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Walk 78. New Order

Walked along Magnolia Blvd after we took my dad to the airport. I miss him already. Listened to New Order most of the walk, then switched to Les Mis at the end. The sky was amazing. Saw a rainbow and a bald eagle. 3.3 miles

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Walk 77. Stacked in the stroller

Was about to set out on an afternoon solo walk in the drizzle, but then both kids wanted to join me. Both being pushed in the single stroller. In the rain. After the walk we stopped at Al-bret-sons for rice crispy treats supplies and then the park. It was fun. 2.5 miles

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Walk 75. Morning walk at Green Lake

Incredibly nice day. I don't ever remember early May being this warm. 2.9 miles