Friday, August 29, 2014

Walk 194. Fireworks at the Safe

(oh yeah, and 1/2 a ball game.)

Don't really think this is an accurate distance...but I missed my walk earlier so I'll take it. + MMW messes up all the time. Here's one in my favor!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Walk 188. Ants and landscape painting

Oh the 8s! Love you so!

J joined me on my walk this evening (in the stroller, without shoes). We came across a pile of ants coming out of a crack on the sidewalk. He loved playing with them. As we continued on we saw a woman all set up with an easel and her paints. He loved looking at her and as we walked on he decided he wanted to bring his easel out to the bluff/blvd and paint the evening sky. We talked about the different colors in the sky. Love seeing him get inspired.

3 miles

Friday, August 22, 2014

Walk 187. Outside UW Medical Center

I had the idea of waking up early and walking before we headed over to UW, but I completely forgot! Then his surgery was delayed... We ended up sitting in pre-op for 4 hours. It's exhausting to sit around all day. I was afraid to leave because I thought as soon as I did the doctor would stop by. Finally 2.5 hours after his scheduled surgery time they took him. I got something to eat, sat in the waiting room, and then inspired by my mom and sis telling me to go walk and not miss it (I thought today might be the first walk I missed and I was telling myself that surgery was a good excuse) I headed out to a patch of green (the surgery waiting room volunteer told me where to go) thinking I would just circle the grass. I was surprised to find a lovely trail along the ship canal!! So close to the hospital!!! I walked under the University Bridge and even across it. It lifted my spirit so much. But of course when I got back the doctor had stopped by to tell me the surgery was finished and it went great (1.5 hrs earlier than they said it would end). Doh! 1.7 miles

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Walk 186. Super wimpy walk

E's pre surgery day. Stressed out, picking up the house (for the housecleaners. That's weird!), airport got away from me and I realized I didn't really walk and didn't have the energy to walk. I wonder if I'm coming down with something because I'm so tired. .6 miles

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Walk 186. While J slept

J had a sore throat so we walked to a couple different stores around Mags trying to find him the soup he likes. He fell asleep. 3.3 miles

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Walk 185. From Discovery Park

After quickly showing the Hulets where we pick blackberries. 2.1 miles

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Walk 182. 6 months!

Today is the 6 month mark! I love walking, but I'm so bad at blogging! I think the challenge should have been walking AND blogging daily. I've got the walking part down, the writing about it.... not so much. 3.4 miles

Friday, August 15, 2014

Walk 181. Exhausting day

After an emotionally stressful day (met with Lisa, cousin in the ER with possible concussion, friend with a life changing crisis, family leaving after a fun visit) I somehow dragged my buns off the couch, got both kids in the stroller, and walked to the village to look for a movie, get treats and a frozen pizza. Kids were both so sad and cranky (S was in tears all evening) but as soon as we were outside getting fresh air they both perked up. Walks are amazing. 1.3 miles

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Walk 180. Discovery park and village

We all went to Discovery Park to pick blackberries and play in the sand dune. Then the older kids + my sis went to lunch at the Space Needle and I took the littles to Bartell's for a treat and the park. 3 miles

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Walk 179. After dark on Dad's birthday

Was busy all day being tourists with my sis and cousins (Fremont Troll, Salumi, Bainbridge Island ferry, Listening Trees, Mora, Great Wheel). We had a nice chat and he was happy WE celebrated for him. 2.25 miles
Girls yelled, "not windy, not windy....WINDY!" as they rounded the corner at the front of the ferry heading to Bainbridge Island.

The question on this Listening Tree is "What inspires you?"

My response...
Music ♥ Nature ♥ The sky ♥ My family ♥♥♥

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Walk 178. Started at Ella Bailey...

then met a friend to walk and talk (in the rain and in the dark). 4.4 miles

Monday, August 11, 2014

Walk 177. High tide and lightning storm

Crazy high tide at Golden Gardens (it basically pushed us off the small beach on the side of the stream) from Supermoon! Later we strolled at the locks and it looked so pretty. I've never been there so late (they kicked us out and were locking the gates!). The kids liked running down the steep grassy hill and were happy to see a sea lion. After we got home my sis and I headed out to walk....but a lightning storm was off in the distance (over the sound) so we didn't make it to the bluff :-( Instead we walked the big loop past Fatima. 3 miles

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Walk 176. Supermoon

Sunday evening walk with S. We ran into some friends on the bluff picking blackberries. Fun to stop and chat with them and watch as S played tag with the kids. 2.5 miles
Here comes Supermoon

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Walk 175. 2.5 miles

Blasting Arcade Fire and singing OUT LOUD. I don't care!

Plus, the moon!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Walk 174. Epic kissing anniversary


The day E and I first kissed.

(It was a sign. Did I mention I ♥ 8s?)

This year, he got us all tix to see Arcade Fire at the Gorge. What an awesome way to celebrate US.

I went for a walk during the day because I knew it would be a super late night.

2.7 miles

p.s. I LOVE ARCADE FIRE. I didn't know I liked them this much! I knew they were good and I was happy when E got the tix since we've never been to the Gorge and I thought it would be a good show. Who knew it would be the Best. Show. Ever. So happy we were all there together as a fam.

p.p.s. The view was SPECTACULAR.
Everyone was chilling out enjoying the view while watching The Antlers (super good as well). AF didn't go on until after dark.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Walk 172. Stargazing

Took the kids to a short lecture ("Black Holes, Pulsars, Magnetars, and Other Weird Objects in the Universe") at the Theodor Jacobsen Observatory at UW. Looked in different sized telescopes set up around the observatory, then went up in the dome to take a look at the moon through the 120-year old, 6-inch refracting telescope. It was pretty great! But we got home late. I went for a walk in the dark. 1.75 miles.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Walk 171. Close enough

In case you hadn't noticed, I love my sunset walks. After family time I head out on my own to enjoy the lovely evening. I don't miss GL or Discovery Park (I prob should!).

Walking up the Blvd towards the sunset, I love feeling the warm summer wind in my hair. Absolutely LOVE it. Exhilarating and energizing. Don't know why it took my so long to really notice it. After the sky, it's the best part of my walks (lately). (When it turns to freezing wind + rain in my face I'll feel differently.)

Anyway, while walking tonight it also occurred that um, HELLO! a lifelong dream of mine has actually been pretty much realized and I hadn't noticed.

My whole life I've wanted to live walking distance to the beach and go for walks on the sand listening to the waves and having them swirl around my feet. That was the dream, that would be a life goal fulfilled. (Yes Gretchen, I'm super jealous of you, especially since you don't go to the beach that often!) E shares that dream, and we've always planned on ending up near the beach.

But... I visited Orange County this spring and the sky isn't blue. I love Hermosa, or Dana Point...but the crowds and $$$ and plus starting our life over and E's business is here. (Santa Cruz, you're still on the list!) I know my beach fantasies (at least now) are unrealistic.

Walking and thinking about it and really LOOKING at where we live, I finally SEE that the walking along the sound is pretty much what I was asking for. From my house to the water it's about 6 blocks. I get to see the changing sky and blue ocean, and sort of breathe in the sea air. I walk in natural setting (grass instead of sand) and while I don't experience the waves, I see boats, islands, mountains, twinkling lights, downtown, etc.

So I say, for's close enough. I'm so grateful to live and walk here.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Walk 170. Blessed

Yes, I walked! Not much to say. Love walking, love being outdoors, love listening to music, love Magnolia sunsets.

Can't add my distance because my phone is dead, therefore can't check MMW. Thinking it was about 3 miles.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Walk 168. Keep on walking...

it's pretty great.

Love my challenge.

Love that it's opened me up to other interests/passions (who knew my life was missing music SO MUCH!)


Prob about 3 miles, but I'll update when I get on MMW again.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Walk 167. Super fun

Walked around the Seattle Center for free KEXP summer concert series (wasn't that far, but wanted to include it!). Met some friends, LOVED Cumulus, ate some food, got some free stuff, kids played in the whale tail fountain. Felt like summer.

Got home, charged my phone then set out for my real walk. The yoozh walk, but kind of interested in Summerfest and thought I'd check it out on my way home. Well.... lucky I did because on the way back I saw they were showing an outdoor movie on the big wall of the community center and it was "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (which I wrongly call "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"). So I zoomed home, scooped up the kiddos, chairs and blankies and we all headed over. It was great!

Hopefully I got close to 3 miles.