Monday, April 7, 2014

Walk 51. Sandals

I slept in this morning. Really slept in. I vaguely remember the kids coming into my room and I sleepily sent them off to watch shows and eat cold cereal. When I finally got up we had to be out the door in 15 minutes (yikes!). Fortunately we made it on time, no one worse for wear (thanks kids!). But I left the house in sandals and practically pjs. Wasn't planning on going for a walk. But... It was so pretty outside (it's supposed to be 70° today) and GL beckoned. I thought, I'll just go for a little walk, maybe a mile, and enjoy the morning. I don't have to walk around the lake.

I called my mom while on the path. It was fun to talk to her. She's a big fan of this challenge (thanks mom!) and before I knew it I was halfway around the lake. And once you're halfway...  Anyway, it was so nice strolling and chatting with her and my dad (hi dad!). My feet didn't hurt at all.

What a wonderful way to start the day.

3 miles.

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