Monday, September 8, 2014

Walk 204. The friend phase

(And hopefully the end of the non-blogging phase.)

When I first started walking taking time for myself doing something active was a little radical, a little shock to my system. I had to psyche myself up for walks, remind myself to walk, overcome not wanting to walk. It was such a change from my previous life where there really wasn't any space carved out for me and so that need spilled over into looking at the computer, or my phone, or just not being a present mom/wife, etc. (and not that I do any of that perfectly now....I just recognize that everyone needs their own time, own space, own room for just them in a family and it can be hard being a SAHM to give that gift to ourselves.) So, at first my walks were all about thoughts and thinking and letting my mind wander and getting inspired and figuring stuff out. Stuff that was probably totes obvious to everyone around me, but that I just couldn't see for the life I was living. Anyway, that phase was at least a good month. Decompression, thinking, walking, breathing, falling in love with walking, falling in love with myself. Such a good thing.

Next came the music phase. Who knew music was missing from my life so much!?!? I looked forward to my walks so I could rock out. I was so into music when I was younger. I loved going to concerts and having music on all the time. What changed? How did adult life get in the way? E and I got so old and boring so fast (once we became parents). We forgot how to go out and have fun...and for us music is a big part of feeling young. Anyway, it's been so wonderful to open myself up to that life get excited about new bands and plan on going to concerts. Next up is Interpol (one of E's faves) next week.

Now I find myself in the friend phase. Since I began walking I'd walk with friends sporadically. I could take it or leave it. It was nice to be with friends and it helped strengthen my friendships....but I didn't need it. I was fine with walks with my thoughts or walks with music. In fact, I used to kind of prefer those to the friend walks. But now...

I'M LOVING WALKING WITH FRIENDS. I want to walk with a friend every day! It's so weird and so nice. Guess it's just a part of this journey. Different parts of the journey have different needs. Fortunately a lot of friends want to come with me. They've seen me walking around Magnolia and want to join me. It's pretty great and I feel lucky.

So....on with the Friend Phase! Who know what's next? Who knows what's around the corner and what new lessons are to be learned?? Walking is the best.

3.6 miles (with Elizabeth)

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