Friday, September 26, 2014

Walk 222. Put it off all day...

so I walked in the dark. 1.9 miles

p.s. it was a big day for me/S. We found out S was cast in PNB's Nutcracker! She auditioned the Sunday before & we'd been on pins/needles waiting for the cast list to be posted today. We prepared her that she might not get it and it would be disappointing but okay (They give out roles first based on who will fit the costume, then on dancing ability) and it was a good experience to even audition. But I was so stressed/worried about helping her deal with it if she didn't make it. So all morning I was too stressed to talk then when we found out in the afternoon I basically floated around on a cloud of relief and happiness that she will in fact make her 9-yr-old dream come true. Going for an actual walk today was definitely an afterthought. 

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