Thursday, March 20, 2014

Walk 33. Green Lake +

Walked Green Lake this morning after I dropped the kids at school. It was pleasant and peaceful but from the first step a thought in my head said, "You have the time walk it twice."

Funny how a thought can color my walk and take something happy and stress-free and turn it into a "should." I tried to ignore the thought or just put it aside at least until I finished walking around once. I'm realizing I can talk myself out of something I'm enjoying by thinking about the next step. and then I either stop the first, or stop having fun on the first...when really it's just my mind getting in the way.

I tried keep my walk easygoing...."If you feel good and want to walk again, great," I told myself. "But don't miss the first lap around Green Lake. Don't miss the walk you're on."

I wonder, or probably know, that I do this with other things in my life. I get worried about lap 2, so I don't enjoy or even finish lap 1. I don't want to do this anymore.

Anyway, I made it to back to the start. I wanted to continue, but my mind filled with an errand that would be much better to run without J. But by then, I wanted to keep walking. So I did.

A little while into lap 2 by feet started to hurt, so I turned back. The last thing I want to do is get injured and have to miss a walk. But i wonder....was it just my thoughts holding me back?

3.5 miles, little over an hour.

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