Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Walk 52. It's not a race

J is at the age where everything is a race, especially running to the front door when we get home. He gets so upset if he doesn't win, even if S doesn't know they're racing and is just walking in the house. As I walked GL today a lot of folks passed me. Before I used to get kind of panicked when I'd hear footsteps coming from behind me and I'd quicken my step so I wouldn't get lapped. I had placed some value on winning or not being overtaken by another walker....someone I'd never met who didn't even know they were in a race with me.

Problem was, by letting them influence me, I wasn't walking my pace or taking my walk. It took me out of my head and into a competitive space. True, motivation is good, competition is good.....but is it any good if it can change my thoughts? I'm walking for me. Just going for a walk is a win...I don't literally have to beat others on the path.

Today I just walked my walk. And my pace wasn't actually that different from when I'm trying to walk really fast. Maybe we can be easy on ourselves, not make everything a competition and get there just the same. Maybe even just as fast as when we're really trying... to win.

2.9 miles.

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