Friday, August 1, 2014

Walk 167. Super fun

Walked around the Seattle Center for free KEXP summer concert series (wasn't that far, but wanted to include it!). Met some friends, LOVED Cumulus, ate some food, got some free stuff, kids played in the whale tail fountain. Felt like summer.

Got home, charged my phone then set out for my real walk. The yoozh walk, but kind of interested in Summerfest and thought I'd check it out on my way home. Well.... lucky I did because on the way back I saw they were showing an outdoor movie on the big wall of the community center and it was "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (which I wrongly call "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"). So I zoomed home, scooped up the kiddos, chairs and blankies and we all headed over. It was great!

Hopefully I got close to 3 miles.

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