Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Walk 109. Oh, the cravings!

And I'm not even going cold turkey! Saying buh-bye to sugar is hard. So hard. And I'm not doing so good at it. I need to taper down... Every day a little less until no more.

E went off sugar a few months ago (Well, his version which is no soda or baked goods but a nightly gourmet malt ball or 2 is a-ok). I know he wants me to join him. I'm trying!

I know I'd be so much healthier if I cut out sugar, dairy, & wheat. I really want to! But then I think of pizza and croissants, etc. I'm having a hard time just cutting them out for a there is an end date. I think "forever" is super scary to me. Or "never again."

Anyhoo, I felt that way at the beginning of my walks. I was a little freaked about a WHOLE YEAR of walking. But it's turned out to be one of the best things I've ever done. And in ways I didn't imagine. It's totally blessed my life.

What would my life be like if I wasn't addicted to certain foods? Oh, the FREEDOM!

I walked GL feeling grumpy and having cravings. Hopefully tomorrow is better. 3 miles

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