Friday, June 13, 2014

Walk 118. The end of the crazy

I'm thinking once school is out everything will calm down and I can write and walk and get stuff done. That's the theory, at least. Today was S' PNB dress rehearsal at McCaw Hall. I volunteered, so I was able to go backstage with her and help wrangle all the girls.
And then I got to watch her perform...



I don't cry on the first day of school, I never have. But this! I couldn't stop the tears from coming. I'm so proud of her. I remember taking her to see the Nutcracker when she was 3 (or 4?) and thinking someday she could be on that stage.

And not only that, the performance was gorgeous. All these Level 1 girls moving in unison so gracefully. It was breathtaking. It had to feel wonderful to be part of it, to create ART so lovely, if fleeting.

Anyway, since it was her first time the day was a ball of stress, and my folks came in to town to see her perform. We made it through the day and I went on a walk with my mom while S rode her bike.

The year is winding down. The crazy will soon be over and it will be mellow summer lots of time for long walks and reflective blogging.

2.9 miles

p.s. my back still hurts :-(

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