Monday, June 30, 2014

Walk 135. Brownie mix

J wanted brownies. I should have made them with him right after dinner, but just chilled instead. Then before I knew it it was 8:15 and time to walk. Promised him I'd stop at Albies for a brownie mix (yes, something easy and not homemade) and then he added a Twix bar to the order.

Walk was lovely. Ran into a friend and stopped to chat for a while which put me home when it was almost dark. I was hoping the kiddos were in bed, but no, just E. They were waiting for me.

Fortunately J was fine with just a Twix before bed (I know, I'm a horrible [or fantastic! depending on who's perspective] mom) then a quick book and they were fast asleep. (S ended up sleeping in until 9:30!!)

The beginning of July should be a happy time for us.... it's almost my 15th wedding anniversary. But the 9th looms. It occurred to me that E & I have more years married after Juliet died than before. Looking back we seemed like babies when they were born and she got sick. We were only married 6 years.

It's beautiful here. My walks are lovely. It's not hard to go in the evening fact, I prefer it. 135 walks in and they are just part of my life. Don't really think about them, don't get that worried about them, so grateful I get to go.

3.4 miles

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