Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Walk 136. Another lost walk :-(

Wait...now I remember. Walked with kids to park in early evening and E met us there an hour later. They rode the mini balance bike down the grassy hill while trying to avoid some sort of hipster all-over-the-place bocce ball game (those balls are hard). I left to walk, but kept looking back through the chain-link fence across the field at them having fun...so I went back. These warm summer evenings just hanging out at the community center field are "moments!!" Lovely moments of their childhood I cherish during the endless winter rain and will also cherish when my kids are too old to hang out at the park with their parents. S worked on learning how to cartwheel, J rolled down the hill, few more times on the balance bike for S...it was great.

Then I walked through the village, past Bartell's, across the ravine bridge and up Magnolia Blvd almost to the stop sign. Then home.

3.4 miles

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