Sunday, July 6, 2014

Walk 141. Why didn't we get New Order tickets?

I have been so forgetful lately! Yesterday during breakfast (Pancakes. I'm trying to be a Saturday-morning-it's-always-pancakes kind of mom. Even though I just gave up wheat. I know!!) we chatted about what everyone wanted to do. It was decided we'd go swimming and there were 3 open swim times. 3 times we could have gone. Then I promptly forgot that was the plan and we got a new fish instead and when it was time for bed we all said, "we forgot to go swimming!"

And tonight was New Order! We decided to try to get tickets last minute on CL if we could find a sitter. But I totally forgot to even try to line up a sitter and didn't remember about the show until a FB friend posted they were there. Doh!

It was a lovely Sunday anyway. S gave a talk in primary. J went on a bike ride with E. I went on another after-kids-in-bed walk along the sound.

2.9 miles

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