Monday, July 21, 2014

Walk 156. Slow walk with S

S has been wanting to go with me the last few days, but then she goes back and forth deciding. If she doesn't join me, she waits home and regrets it, but if she does walk I think she's afraid it will be like the Russell walk and she'll get too tired. We walked slowly over to the sound, walked through the village and stopped at Menchie's (where she knew EXACTLY what she wanted. A guy even commented on her delicious looking choice and how he wanted to try it.)

I'm happy she wants to spend time with me.

I'm happy she's loving being outside and appreciating how beautiful Seattle is during the summer.

I want her to feel so blessed to live in such a lovely place and to be grateful for this beautiful world.

This summer has been very unscheduled for my kiddos. No camps or swim lessons (I feel a little bad about that), not many trips planned. Just mostly unstructured days to enjoy summer (besides Irish) and be a kid. It's been great! And since we haven't been running around so much stressed to get here and there, S and I have been talking so much more. Just hanging out and talking. I love it. I love her.

I knew walking was good when I started, but I didn't think about how it would make my relationship with my daughter stronger. In fact, all the really good things that have happened after 5 months of walking are things I didn't really expect.

What a blessing.

So, my advice for today is to go on a walk with your kids.




Anonymous said...

this is wonderful.l love mom

mb said...

mom! your comment worked!!