Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Walk 157. Going the distance

Disappointed in MMW again. It stayed on pause and didn't track about 1/2 mile of my walk. This has happened a lot.....I wish I had an accurate count of how many miles I've gone.

(Of what it has tracked) I've walked 375 miles since I started using MMW. And the first month I walked without it I walked around 90 miles, right? (I can't find the post! I need to figure this out for reals.)

Anyway, so I'm getting close to 500 miles. In a little over 5 months.


Tonight I was honestly tired and didn't feel like walking. But I did it anyway. Some walks are great. Some aren't. And I don't beat myself up on the ones where I drag my feet. I usually let myself take it easy and turn around if I want to. And know that tomorrow is another day and another walk and most likely it will be a good one. (But if it isn't, that's okay too.)

Keep walking!!

2.9 miles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so peaceful