Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Walk 88. This one must be significant...somehow

I love the number 8. Today was walk 88. I didn't realize it until I started blogging. But I guess it was an important walk. While walking I thought...

I'm way too addicted to Candy Crush.*

I feel leaden and slow...and dragged my feet most of the way. Then finally near the end realized I haven't taken my thyroid for a couple days. (I'm off schedule because they switched my dose again. Managing hypothyroidism can be tricky!)

Magnolia is super pretty and I've taken it for granted for way too long. Or really, I've been hating it when I should have just opened my eyes. (But I remember from experience this is springtime [that feels like summer] in Magnolia. It's easy to be in love.)

I will never regret a walk taken. When I die I will not think, "Dang...I took too many walks."

God is in the details. The kids found a robin's egg at CSJ and it was so blue. E tried to find out why they are blue and there are lots of theories, but I think it's to let us know there is a God. Sometimes the world is just breathtaking and almost too beautiful and it's a way for the divine to reach out and say, "Of course I'm here."

My iPhone doesn't take pics of the Olympics that do them justice. They were BIG, snowcapped and majestic on the other side of the sound. But on my phone they look teensy.

I'm getting bored of blogging (see the first realization) but not the walking. But...I know I need to write more.

And finally...

12 walks to 100.
Sunset along Magnolia Blvd. 3 miles

*I finally passed level 86 and NOW I'M DONE! No more CC!! It was really bugging me that I couldn't figure it out (like a puzzle)....but now that I did I'm OUT.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

keep writing, keep walking!

"the lord is in the details of our lives," Pres Monson! oct 2012