Friday, May 16, 2014

Walk 90. Solvitur ambulando

Thank you, Art of Manliness. I have to quote you directly...
Solvitur ambulando. It’s a Latin phrase that literally means, “It is solved by walking.” Or, a little more loosely, “It is solved by walking around.”
After 90 walks all I can say is, "Amen."

Walked with J this evening. We walked slowly, he played in the dirt, found a big black feather, and I pushed him on the front half of the stroller with his legs dangling over the side (easy to jump on and off).

Walking with my kids. I forgot to mention that yesterday. Sometimes it's hard because they get tired and complain and worse want to be carried, but tonight was wonderful. It's great to be outside together, to meander without any destination and see the world from a 4-yr-old point of view. We looked closely at flowers, he showed me his favorites, then he really wanted to play hide-and-seek (where there wasn't anywhere to hide) on Magnolia Blvd. So we did.

And I know all the benefits I'm getting from walking, he's getting too. He likes to run fast with the grass under his feet, to breathe in the sea air, to see the views, to look at birds, to feel....alive.

3 miles.

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