Sunday, March 16, 2014

A pic of a cake on a walking blog?

I know! I should probably take it down. but...

Walk 365 is different. This isn't a count calories, measure inches, weigh weekly, omit foods (at least not yet) kind of project.

I actually think it's bigger than that and those ideas are limiting and might be what makes Americans overweight, sedentary and unhappy in the first place. Or at least, it's probably part of it.

Today marks a month since I've started and I've learned...

It's about walking. I've learned going for walks is kind of special. and I feel more like a human on this planet after a month of walking than I have in years.

Daily walking....

Will connect you with a natural side of yourself.
Will help you sleep better. definitely.
Is a natural antidepressant.
Can make old friends better friends.
Can help you make new friends.
Will make you become friends with yourself.
Will help you come up with great ideas,
and will keep you calm as you put those ideas into action.
Will make you grateful (because the world is so beautiful and I've been seeing it mostly from inside a car. Sad.)
Will make your kids happier (either coming along with you, or just by being a better mom).
Will make you feel strong as you walk against the rain and wind.
Will make you an explorer (walks in the early morning, late at night, on the lonely PCT going the wrong way, or in an empty slot canyon. [that reminds me i still need to write about that hike!]).
Will make you HAPPY.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

i love this!

today i just walked to the refrigerator to get cookie dough. like 12 times. :(

i'm going to do this.