Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Walk 32. Love my sis

Welcome sissy, your kiddos and cats. It makes me smile that you went for a walk in your neighborhood while I was out walking in mine. I love that your cats followed you. It's bringing up childhood memories of Muffin slyly trailing behind.

Walked the usual route + a couple back and forths to the library + a play date pick-up.

1st library trip was taking J and his friend on a scooter and balance bike. While there and we ran into Marissa with her baby and middle kid. I always see lots of friends when my hair is the craziest and I have zero make-up on. What is that all about? Maybe when I'm feeling especially lonely I should just wear a bathrobe out and then I'll see everyone!

2nd library trip was picking S up from her first young readers book club. (they discussed "Holes" and ate donut holes. Cute.) She decided to go home with a friend for an hour, so I went for a walk and picked her up there at the end. We walked home together hand-in-hand.

4.5 miles. 

1 comment:

Brooke said...

i love it! and you.