Friday, March 21, 2014

Walk 34. Unzipped

Quickly walked GL this morning before meeting with my therapist. I was recently diagnosed (officially! i've suspected for years) with PTSD. I thought i had enough time to walk between school drop-off and meeting her, but still I kept checking the clock and quickened my step. The walk wasn't that enjoyable even though the sun was shining because I had a nagging feeling of worry. Worry I'd be late, worry about going, just worry.

And I shouldn't have. I walked GL in record time with no foot pain, made it to her office with time to spare and the session was so productive.

After every session since we've been working on my PTSD I have no way to describe how I'm feeling except as unzipped. It's a mellow, warm in my chest, close to tears feeling that lasts the entire day.

But I was thinking after I heard from the NPR weather guy that this spring and summer in Seattle is going to be warmer than usual (Yay! We need it). And spring started yesterday. Maybe unzipped can mean removing instead of exposing, or gentle opening to warmth from the sun, warmth from understanding, warmth from figuring it out, and maybe warmth from hope. And definitely warmth from sunnier walks.

48 minutes, 2.8 miles.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

love. it.

i didn't get a walk in today! i've been running since i woke up, but no dedicated walk for the sake of walking and unzipping. :)

love you.