Friday, March 14, 2014

Time travel

As I've been walking lately and reading back over earlier blog posts a thought occurred to me. Another benefit of daily walking is it slows time. Really!

Before I started my walks the weeks would zoom past and I'd struggle to remember what I did with my days or if I even enjoyed them. Now, taking time every day to breathe, walk, think, and clear my mind has made everything slow down and become much more enjoyable. At least that's my theory.

I've been mulling this over and was going to talk about it on Walk 30, but last night I watched an amazing movie About Time (available now at Redbox). It's a love story, but not what was given away in the previews. Please see it. I was bawling. It's all about appreciating the beautiful moments of ordinary life.

I need to watch it again.

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