Saturday, March 8, 2014

walk 21. a new habit

as i've been walking i've been thinking about getting to certain milestone days. 21 to create a habit, 30 walking for a month, 100 because it's triple digits and almost 1/3 of the way there, etc.

here we are at 21.

i feel good and confident that i can do this. i feel like i've made room in my life for walks and i like where i'm headed. it makes me happy. i like feeling connected to the earth, i like feeling "in" my body and doing something i was created to do (as opposed to staying inside staring at a screen). i think i'm just old enough to be suspicious and disillusioned of modern life. but that's a tangent....

anyway, i ran into a friend who was jogging while i walked this morning. she asked me if i wanted to sign up for a 1/2 marathon with her. i could walk it, she said. this friend, i might add is in her late 30s. no way, i replied. i'm already doing my marathon. my walk every day for an entire year, rain or shine, sickness or snow.

(i have to admit i sometimes feel silly this is my goal. i mean, i could have just gotten a dog and then i'd have to walk every day! i see the irony.)

but i also think the best exercise is the one i'll do every day.

oh, since we're at 21 i want to add something to my goal. i will go back to bikram starting monday. and then after that's become a habit i'll make dietary changes. this is how i change. one thing at a time.

i've been watching "house of cards" and remy is my favorite character. i love the winston churchill quote engraved on his watch...

"to improve is to change. to perfect is to change often."

40 min, 2+ miles.

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