Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Walk 39. Invisible string

I'm already done with my walk. GL again, in the rain again, but it's only 10:30 and I don't need to pick up J for 90 minutes. I guess blogging on my phone (not ideal) and watching other walkers will have to do. At least until the Green Lake library opens.

Today while walking I was thinking how it feels like there is an invisible string connecting all my walks together back to day one and it sort of feels like day 39 (almost 40!) is just a continuation of the first walk at Joshua Tree. I like that.

Not many people know about this blog. I've only shared it with a few family and friends. I would love more folks read about my journey or maybe even join me. But I'd like that to happen without inviting 350 of my closest FB "friends" to take a look. I want to stay anonymous. Maybe I'm a little embarrassed this is my challenge when I can see it seeming silly and much too easy to lots of people.

Of the folks who do read this, I wonder if you come back to see if I've missed a walk. That was definitely my fear in the beginning. I asked a friend to join about a week after I started and she was interested but didn't want to because she felt "paralyzed by failure." I can so relate to that feeling. Trying again and again to reclaim our health but falling short because the challenge may have been rigged against us in the first place. There are so many experts and rules and gear and people saying do this, no this, louder and louder but I hope by being quiet and listening to our bodies we can figure out how to get to our own place of wellness, naturally and gently which is our birthright. It's what our bodies are made to do. Back to the thought of will I miss a walk? That fear has gone completely because walking is so enjoyable. It's not on my "to do " list, it's a pleasurable want like laughing with an old friend. That said, I hope I don't jinx it! I guess the underlying fear is still there... just a little is left.

Here's to hoping we can push aside the noisy commands from fitness experts, throw out the rules and trust ourselves. And please join me wherever you are. Walking daily is pretty great.

2.9 miles


Brooke said...

i do check on you every day! but not to see if you've missed, because i know you won't. just to read your insights. i walked yesterday! a long long one in the sunshine!

mb said...

Thanks Brooke! As I process that thought I'm realizing there is still more fear (in missing) than I thought. I was projecting , I guess. Another topic to explore. Love you!!

Brooke said...

i know you will do it. i'm proud of you-- it's a deceptively difficult commitment, i think! love you!! you're awesome!