Thursday, March 27, 2014

Walk 40. Kinda bored

E has been working early this week so I've been taking the kids to school, and that puts me right next to GL around 9:15 with a couple hours on my hands. That's why GL has been the walk this week and today was no exception. It was misty and cold, but I headed out anyway. Made it once around and since it was only around 10 and I had nothing else to do I walked it again. I think it's funny that I walked an extra 2.8 miles because I was bored. Especially since just last week walking a 2nd lap was such a mental stumbling block.

I started using mapmywalk on March 15 and since then I've walked 46.4 miles. Prior to that I estimate I walked about 71 miles (I wish I was using MMW the entire time. It's fun seeing the miles add up.). So total since day 1 I've walked 117 miles. Good thing to note on Walk 40! Also, my clothes fit much better, my posture has improved, my arms and core are getting stronger and I'm sure putting in all those miles has helped my heart, immune system, circulation, bone density, brain, etc. The thing that hasn't budged is the scale, which is so discouraging. I didn't weigh myself when I started, but I finally got on it a couple days ago and I think I'm pretty much where I started. I was hoping walking alone would result in weight loss (in addition to all the other ways it has benefited my life), but I think I have to get my eating in check.

Since I started this challenge there has been a part of me that just wants it over with. I can see how when you're running a race you just want to finish it and be done. The prob with a challenge that lasts an entire year is the last thing I want it do is fly by! I'm in my 40s! The years are already zooming past and my kids are growing up way too quickly. I want to enjoy every single day. I think that's where the fear of missing a walk really comes in... I'm worried about not reaching my goal 365 walks in a row. The funny thing is, once I do I'll prob go for a walk on day 366...

Like I've told myself before, it's just like I'm on the trail and I need to take it one step (one day) at a time.

5.7 miles

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